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         More Information VRP: This illness should be happening to people who take worse care of themselves than I have! 
VRP: This illness should be happening to people who take worse care of themselves than I have! Green: I have been thinking that I have had more control of my health than I actually have.
This VRP language is arguing that my health consciousness somehow (perhaps with some magic or special blessing) "should" have prevented this condition. The inferring "should" compromises clear Thinking and can foster Victim thoughts such as, "What good are good health habits if I inherited lousy genes."

I can follow on with more Victim thinking (and consequently make myself a Persecutor of myself) with, for example, "Lots of people thoroughly abuse themselves and have escaped this which has befallen me!" Therefore, the VRP thinking can continue self-Victimizing with, "Why try?"
If I "own up to" my past thinking I can seek new ways to understand disease and treatment and can foster healing and achieve recovery.

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